Illegal wildlife poisoning is a significant and widespread threat to biodiversity.
Toxic substances, mostly in form of poisoned baits, are spread out to target wildlife species, but they often affect non-target species, including birds, mammals, and even pets or humans, posing severe health risks.
Brutal Pesticide Carbofuran and its Circle of Death
Carbofuran is a highly toxic carbamate pesticide used in agriculture for pest control. The European Union banned its use in 2008. However, because the pesticide is still available in countries outside the European Union, it continues to threaten vulnerable species.
This pesticide can be applied in granular or liquid form. It kills very quickly. A dead animal, especially bird, can be found directly on the bait or nearby. The main cause of death in carbamate poisoning is flaccid respiratory muscle paralysis.
Carbofuran has one of the highest acute toxicities to humans of any insecticide widely used on field crops. 1 ml can be fatal to humans. It can cause weakness, sweating, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, and blurred vision. Higher levels can cause muscle twitching, loss of coordination, and may cause breathing to stop.
In addition, carbofuran creates what’s called ‚a death circle‘. For example, a raven feeds on poisoned bait and dies, then red kite feeds on raven’s carcass and dies, and the circle of death goes on and on.
Wildlife poisoning is a crime, threatening many rare and protected species of birds and mammals. Help us end it.
People across Europe are illegally using poisons to kill wildlife.
Check country reports.
Do you suspect you've found a poisoned animal?
Here are the steps to take:
Do not touch anything
Avoid contact with the animal or carcass and surroundings
Call 112
Contact police to ensure evidence for investigation
Reach out to local contacts for additional support
For more information check our contact list.
Fines and imprisonment in Europe
Slovakia: 1 to 6 years imprisonment
Austria: Up to 2 years imprisonment for the illegal killing of one protected individual
Germany: For killing protected species up to 5 years imprisonment and a fine
Spain: Perpetrator can choose between prison or a fine
Poisoning of wildlife if an environmental crime that should be fully investigated by authorities and taken seriously by the courts.
Sign a petition to call for stricter penalties.
Let's speak about illegal poisoning
Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.